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Your RTO mentor should help you drive, not take the wheel

RTO mentoring is often seen as a ‘gauzy topic’ which can be tough to pin down. Our RTO mentors and advisors help you drive, not take the wheel.

RTO mentoring is often seen as a ‘gauzy topic’ which can be tough to pin down. What does success look like? Are there any tangible deliverables? What’s the difference between mentoring and coaching? Quite often business mentors or advisors will keep it vague because if you can’t define it, then there’s no obligation to really deliver on anything except a warm, fuzzy, mentor-y feeling.

In our explanation of coaching we use the analogy of asking a tennis coach to help you with your serve. The coach works on this skill alone because that’s what you paid for. Mentoring gives you the full picture and talks about the why; how the serve fits into the rest of the game, why you should care about the other aspects of the game, and all the insights in between.

From RTO Setup Help to Major Troubleshooting

So what does mentoring look like in the context of your RTO? When we mentor you, we are effectively educating you by providing a semi-structured learning and sharing experience rather than just advice.

As such, we may not always give you the answer straight away. Instead, we challenge you to think and grow your understanding of the situation. That’s not because we enjoy watching you struggle, but because that’s where the true magic happens as you have breakthroughs in understanding and learn to trust yourself.

We develop a supportive—not dependent— relationship where you feel safe to ask any question knowing we will do our best to provide you with the support and guidance you need. The questions can be about your RTO specifically or even about something personal, like balancing life with running an RTO. We’ve been there! We’ll share as much knowledge with you as possible in order to empower you to be your best.

Because an RTO Mentor Should Be Just That

Mentor dependency is a topic we watch closely. Everyone is different, but there are some telltale signs of someone who has become dependent on their mentor. We know we have a clinger if:

  • They feel the need to contact us before making any decision in their RTO
  • We have received 10 emails/missed calls in a day (and we didn’t have an appointment)
  • They stand outside our front door in the rain. (Okay, that last one hasn’t happened yet.)

Our job is to be your bouncing board for ideas and your safety blanket if things don’t go to plan. But it’s not our job to leave you unable to make any decision without our input.

Mentoring is all about growth. This growth can only happen through transparency and accountability. This is why we place such stock in developing our relationships with our clients: we need you to trust us. We need you to trust that we know what we’re talking about and that we truly care about the success of your RTO as well as you – a human being independent of your RTO.

Online, Organic, and Optimised RTO Mentoring

The great thing about mentoring as part of our CMC (Coaching, Mentoring & Consultancy) Program is that it all happens as part of our online sessions. We don’t break up our time into specific time blocks. (“OK, the first 20 minutes is coaching, then we will mentor, and we will end with consultancy!”) Instead, we shift in and out of each area organically and as required based on the needs of you and your RTO.

Mentoring is key to growing your RTO. We teach you what you don’t know, why you should know it, and how it fits into the bigger picture of your RTO.

RTO Coach
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No. We will provide a proposal that outlines the work that we will undertake as well as the fees associated with that. If at any time you decide you no longer require our services, just let us know.

No, there is no need to engage anyone when setting up or running an RTO. However, engaging a good coach, mentor and consultant will allow you to focus on running your RTO. They will be on hand if you need assistance. Talk to us about how we can help you and your RTO to grow to become a successful and sustainable business.

Yes, ASQA allows consultants to participate in audits. RTO Coach consultants always sit in ASQA audits.

ASQA will generally finalise applications for initial registration within six months of accepting a properly completed and fully compliant application. ‘Finalise’ means that ASQA has made a decision and advised the applicant (not that any review process has been completed).

ASQA does not accept payment in instalments. You are required to pay any annual registration charges or any other charges in full by the date specified in the payment terms.

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